We explored the land just out the front door of our house.

I still actually can’t believe that we get to have experiences like this every night if we want to.

These are the kind of memories I have of our time living in Iowa. I was in forth grade when we moved to South Dakota, and prior to that, we lived outside of town in a small community where our backyard kissed a tree farm full of so much to explore!

We stayed out past the sun going to sleep, fished for crawdads in the stream, caught baby snakes and kept them as pets, and secretly rode our bikes down steep hills that our mom told us not to.

Nothing better.

Those memories if defined, would be called ‘THE SIMPLE LIFE’, and I’d take it back in a heartbeat.

The rest of my childhood I grew up in a suburban neighborhood, at the end of a street with a culd-a-sac. Living the American dream. Millions of kids and freedom and laughter, as we ran in and out of each others homes for snacks, a change of clothes, and skateboards. Also the good life.

We’ve watched so many people scouring the ditches in front of our house and around the beach for asparagus and morel mushrooms, so we thought we’d try our hand at hunting for ourselves! We came home with empty bags, but we got our boots dirty, saved a turtle from the middle of the highway, and made some good memories!

Let’s not forget about the fresh air and sunshine that’s finally showed up here on the South Shore!

We have so much to learn about living out here.

It’s all new to our boys, and A BIT like deja vu for me.

Ashley Statema